Katrina Shankland is a lifelong Wisconsinite. Raised by public school teachers, Katrina was taught from a young age an important lesson in life–don’t complain unless you're going to do something about it. That’s exactly what she has done her entire career, delivered for Wisconsin.
Katrina is running for Congress to bring some common sense to the nation’s capital. She will fight against extremism and work hard to get things done for the people she’s there to serve.
When Katrina first ran for State Assembly, she campaigned to give a voice to everyone who shares our Wisconsin values of fairness, opportunity, and community. She believes that our government representatives must serve in the best interest of their constituents — not the special interests. And that is why she rolled up her sleeves in the State Legislature and went to work for Wisconsin — from students to veterans, farmers to small business owners, and Wisconsin workers and seniors.
In the Legislature, Katrina passed commonsense, bipartisan legislation during every single session she has served, under both Republican and Democratic governors. She has co-authored and co-sponsored 225 bills that were signed into law.
From increasing access to affordable healthcare in rural areas to protecting first responders from reckless drivers to launching a program to remediate and replace contaminated wells and helping farmers improve water quality, Katrina has worked hard and been effective at finding middle ground with both parties to improve the lives of the people of Wisconsin.
Katrina has the experience and proven track record of delivering commonsense results for Wisconsin.
Both UW-Stevens Point graduates, Katrina and her husband Jed live in Stevens Point with their dogs Stitch and Lyra. In their free time, they enjoy the Green Circle Trail, visiting the area’s breweries and distilleries, soaking in Wisconsin’s bluegrass music, and all outdoor activities.